Friday 2 September 2011

Here comes the sun.....

I think most people would probably agree that the weather this summer hasn't been great. Disappointing though that is it's actually been quite handy for me training-wise. Today however the sun appeared and reminded me how much I don't enjoy it while exercising. I know a lot of people are hoping for a nice late summer but I have to say (sorry!) that I really hope we're heading quickly into Autumn, really don't want a hot day for the challenge itself.

Today I took myself off to Whittlingham Country Park and followed Wherryman's Way as far as Brammerton Common before turning round to head back. A total walk of just under 13 miles with an average walking pace of 17 minute miles which I'm pretty pleased with given the weather. I've done this walk in the past, very pleasant along the river and it was nice to see so many other people out and about enjoying the scenery and weather. The one downside of this walk, as I described when I did it before here ) was that you have to walk past a particularly smelly sewage plant. Unfortunately I have to report that this was as bad as I remembered it, not a pleasant experience.

A mention does have to go out to the man walking his dog in front of my for a portion of the walk back. This man was having a great time throwing sticks for his dog to catch. Unfortunately he decided to throw the stick behind him, without looking round. I'm assuming he also had headphones in as he seemed oblivious to my high pitched yelps every time the stick hurtled its way towards my face. It added an element of jeopardy to the walk I guess.....

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